We race to
everyone affected by diabetes

We are Team Novo Nordisk and we are driving change in diabetes

All of our inspiring athletes compete with type 1 diabetes. As the world’s first all-diabetes professional cycling team, we show what is possible with diabetes.

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Celebrating 100 Years of Innovation

Before the discovery of insulin, a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes meant certain death for children. Today, we can live as professional athletes thanks to the discovery of insulin a century ago, and we are taking this year to celebrate. As a result of ground breaking medical innovation and progress in diabetes management during the past 100 years, our team is able to race and perform today alongside all other pro cycling teams while inspiring others living with diabetes to pursue their dreams.

Our Vision for What Is Possible with Diabetes

Our hope is that one day, we will realize a future with no stigmas around diabetes. That one day, people without diabetes will be able to empathize with just how much effort goes into managing blood glucose and join our team in cheering these inspiring athletes toward their goals. Our hope for the future is that, no matter where people are born, those diagnosed with diabetes will have the same access to insulin, monitoring, education, and empowerment needed to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

With A Team This Strong, Anything is Possible

Novo Nordisk has been one of the insulin innovators since the beginning. They’ve helped to change the world and reshape what it means for people to live with diabetes. It’s why they are the perfect partner for our cycling team. We are a pro cycling team of athletes from all over the world. We are backed by all 45,000 employees working at Novo Nordisk and together we are Team Novo Nordisk!

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Driving Change in Diabetes

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