About laurasimenc

Passionate road cyclist, graduated DVM, love animals, nature, family, creativity makes me happy.

My Livigno

I’m in Livigno right now … again! But it is soo worth it, first time in winter time enjoying alternative training with lots of nordic running, snowboarding, and ice walking to the 3000m altitude up the ski slope. Afternoon is for shopping, sauna, coffee, some bombardino and ice gokart too. Have a bit of muscle pain and blisters and really really suffering on first season preps 😉

*Življenje je tvoje *Life is yours

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Po dolgem in burnem poletnem obdobju sem se zopet odločila malo oglasiti. V kolesarskem smislu poletne sezone ni bilo, saj sem dobra 2 meseca okrevala po pljučnici, ki sem jo staknila na dirki v Franciji konec maja. Sem pa imela več časa za razmislek kaj si sploh želim in za sprostitev. Ne želim več svojega časa  namenjati dolgim napornim potovanjem in razdajanjem sebe na dirkah najvišjega nivoja, ker preprosto v tem ne uživam. Kolesarstvo pa je šport, ki me res veseli in želim da je to moje veselje, moja sprostitev, sproščanje moje dobre energije. Zato v naslednji sezoni najverjetneje ne bom imela več elite licence in ne tudi še mnogo drugih načinov, da izkažem mojo pripravljenost, na dirkah po Sloveniji, in drugih dirkah, ki jih izberem sama in me veselijo.

Proti koncu poletja, ko sem se dodobra spočila in malo potrenirala, sem zopet dobila zelo dobre občutke na kolesu, zadnje čase se res dobro počutim in se mi zdi, da sem kar v življenjski formi do sedaj, še posebej za vzpenjanje. Iz čiste zabave in veselja do kolesa in druženja, sem se udeležila nekaj lokalnih vzponov in dirke na Vršič, ker so to prireditve, na katerih ni omejitve nastopa kolesarjev z elite licenco. Na vseh teh dirkah sem se počutila zelo odlično in sproščeno in bila vesela vzpodbud navijačev, ki kličejo tvoje ime. Le na Juriš na Vršič, sem zamudila rok za samostojne prijave in sem poklicala šefa društva KD Alpe, če me lahko prostim prijavi v sklopu skupinske prijave, ker je bilo to še edino mogoče za moj nastop, katerega sem si zelo želela, saj je Vršič nek zadnji vrhunec kolesarske sezone v Sloveniji. Z rezultatom na Vršič (40:15), sem kar zadovoljna, čeprav je bil moj cilj še malo boljši čas, zelo pa sem zadovoljna z vzponom na Lubnik, kjer sem se spustila krepko pod 20 min s časom 19:07, ki sem ga odpeljala s konstantnim nožem na vratu a je šlo 😉

Sedaj so mi prijazneži s Specializda posodili še gorsko kolo, s katerim grem lahko uživat na Blegoš in mogoče še kam, res je fino poskusiti še kaj novega. V roku nekaj dni se bodo končala moja študentska leta in želim si zdraviti živali, s tem sama zaslužiti za življenje, se dobro počutiti in kolesariti s čim večjim užitkom, če pa to pomeni tudi zelo hitro pa še toliko bolje 😉

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Hey there, after a long summer season I am here on my blog again. I had a lot of time to think and rest, due to my pneumonia which I suffered from more than 2 months from the end of May. So my summer cycling season was over with no racing. But I figured out that this were not my dreams. I do not enjoy in constant traveling and racing on the highest level and giving my all for that. I want to spend my time here with people I love in peace and enjoying on my bike, feeling good and loving my life without constant stress. So next season I will most probably not take an elite cycling licence anymore. I enjoy on my bike so much that I do not want to spoil that.

Now at the end of summer I am feeling really good again. I think my form is on best level so far, especially for climbing. So I decided to go to some local uphill races and Juriš na Vršič, because on these events there is no limitation for cyclists with elite licence. I was enjoying really much in all the atmosphere and it was pure joy of cycling everything about it, especially the loud support from crouds screeming my name.

No I will go also to some MTB races with a really nice Specialized Epic machine 😀 I am sooo excited to do something new, I think I really need this. Then I want to focus to work as a vet and be a cYclist just for me, for my body and soul and for my fun, if that means really fast, even better 😉



Start v sezono št.2/Season start no.2

Začetek sezone je kar hitro prišel z dirkami na Nizozemskem, Češkem, Italiji in Sloveniji. Trenutno vodim v slovenskem pokalu z zmagama na klančarskem pokalu Poli na Ptuju in nevihtem kriteriju v Ajdovščini. Etapno dirko Gracia Orlova pa smo tudi več kot uspešno zaključile z Olenino skupno zmago in tudi zmago v razvrstitvi ekip. Sama sem z dirko delno zadovoljna, ker smo se ekipno zelo trudile pomagati Oleni in nam je tudi uspelo, sama pa nisem imela dobrih nog na 2. kraljevski etapi, kjer sem se v cilj pripeljala v eni izmed “disko” grup, v vseh preostalih etapah pa v prvi skupini. V nedeljo smo šle pogledat v Italijo na dirko Donne Open Ponto di Piave. Na ravninski, 82km ovinkasti dirki, s 180 tekmovalkami, sem dosegla 14. mesto med članicami. Počasi prihajam v tekmovalni ritem in formo za moja prva dva cilja sezone na koncu junija in začetku julija 😉

The season start came fast with races in Netherlands, Czech Republic, Italy and Slovenia. I am currently leading in Slovenian cup with wins in hilly Poli cup in Ptuj and Ajdovščina showery crit. The Czech stage race Gracia Orlova went exquisitly good for our team with GC win for Olena and a win in team classification. I am happy with team effort and all the stages that I finished in first group only in second queen stage I had a really bad legs on the first climb so I came to the finish in one of “disco” groups. This sunday I attended an Italian race Donne Open Ponti di Piave, 82km flat and curvy race with 180 starters. It was a fast race, we averaged 41km/h and I managed to keep a good position to the end and took 14. place. I am comming in the race form for my first 2 season goals in the end of June and July. Hope to have fun racing and keep the good luck for some more time 😉

God how I love this


There are 3 short training camps with my team done and I just loved it, thinking about how like I am to be a part of it. We were twice in Medulin and once in Umag, because Istria is just an amazing place. When I will be old and grumpy I want to live there. We did some long trainings, some flat and hill efforts, some displays of team cooperation. I am feeling very comfortable and happy with great company of strong dedicated girls and cool support whIch is never ever gets boring. We named our team boss Kinder Surprise, because you never know what you are getting any time … but we got used to training is always 10 or more kilometers longer from planned :p From my site of wiew I think my condition is ok because I am really enjoying every moment spent on the bike.

Božično športanje/Christmas training

Po posezonski pavzi prihaja čas ko začnemo počasi znova in počasi stopnjevati število ur treninga, da se telo počasi zopet privadi na ta ritem. Zato imemo tidi malo več časa za prijatelje in družino in ostala prijetna opravila, za katera nam med sezono zmenjka časa. Da se podružimo, kaj spečemo z babico, kaj “manj zdravega” pojemo, uživamo v popoldanskem počitku pod “kovtrom” ko je zunaj minus. Nato pa sledijo klubske obveznosti, pomerjanje novih dresov, srečanja ekip, prve pripravice …

Kaj pa jaz točno počnem v tem obdobju? Novembra sem začela zopet postopoma trenirati, po tedMTBnu čistega počitka in približno dveh tednih aktivnega počitka oz. športanja za dušo, ki je vključeval gorski tek, hojo v hribe, gorsko kolesarjenje, plavanje … Nato sem se malo zresnila in začela s fitnesom v decembru, želim pridobiti predvsem na eksplozivnosti ter posledično tudi nekaj na moči, zato v fitnesu izvajam določene počepe, potiske, poskoke, zunaj pa katke sprinte v klanec, tek po stopnicah, hitre skoke v višino ter posebne vaje “sila” na kolesu. Udeležila sem se tudi nekaj skupnih treningov z mojo novo ekipo BTC city Ljubljana v okviru katere smo naredili nekaj lahkotnih daljših kolesarskih treningov, pohodov na Šmarno goro in Veliko planino, spinninga ter vaj v telovadnici. Zelo sem bila vesela darila mojega glavnega sponzorja Specialized Adria, ki mi je priskrbel gorsko kolo Specialized S-Works Epic za zimske treninge ravnotežja, veščin in stabilnosti v katerem res uživam. Za ravnotežje in mirno vožnjo v skupini vadim tudi na valjih. Prede božičnimi prazniki, smo imela dekleta še prvi trening kamp v Medulinu, v okviru katerega smo v 6-ih dneh prevozile okoli 700 kilometrov in malo spoznale med seboj. Nato so prišli božični prazniki, z dosti počitka in preveč dobre hrane. Zato je kar fajn, da bo že konec veselega decembra in bom začela z nasledno stopnjo igre lepo je biti kolesarka 😉

BTC Medulin










This time of the year is the nicest, most peaceful and relaxing time in a cyclists season, but we do not want it to last to long. We do not train really a lot, because our body has to gradually adapt to longer hours of training from some rest and off time after the season end. It is a time to spend some time with the family and friends, bake something, eat something, for endless conversations, cosy afternoon nap and planing for the next season. We have our first team meetings, get some fitness power training and our first training camps.
That is like usual thing, what about me exactly? I started training again in november, after a week totally off any physical activity, and about 2 weeks active recovery, to do any kind of sports for my soul. I did some mountain running, hiking, swimming, mountain biking, shopping 😉 Than I got a bit more serious and knew to have to work on my explosiveness, so I did some special gym training and some outdoor exercises like running stairs, high jumping, sprinting uphill … I went to some trainings with my new team BTC city Ljubljana to do a little easy cycling, hiking on Šmarna gora and Velika planina, doing some gym exercises. I am also trying to improve my balance skills on mountain bike S-works Epic which I got from my best sponsor Specialized Adria for my winter training and some inside roller training. I have never ever done a cross-country and I love it so much (let alone my downhill) with the ultimate machine. Then it came a time to have a team meeting and a first training camp with my new team in Medulin. The girls were just great, enyojed it so much, we did about 700km in 6 days, change a bit my bike fitting for more balance and higher cadence on the ride. When I came home, there were christmas holidays, which came to soon with all that food and exhausted me. I was overwhelmed with all the rest and delights and I was a pancake for two days to get again in my rythm of eating healthy and exercising. Now it is thanks god over with merry december, and time to start work hard again 😉

Ko adrenalin pade in vklopiš sproščanje

PapagajTakrat se ponavadi najprej malo čudno počutiš, spet se ti pojavi herpes, po dveh dneh brez treninga se že počutiš polnega energije in ne veš kaj naj počneš, ampak kmalu začneš uživati, še posebej če je za tabo kar uspešna sezona 😀

Zadnji dirki, Giro po Toskani in Istra Granfondo sta bila kar uspešni. Skupno 23. mesto na Giru Toskana in zmaga na Istra Granfondo sta bili lep zaključek, čeprav si vedno želim še pikico več, ampak to je ok za motivacijo za naprej. Na drugi etapi Toskane, ki je bila hkrati kraljevska,
sem čutila že “mehke noge” proti koncu dirke v norem dežju, v Istri pa sem po odlični prvi polovici dirke naletela na “ornk” glikogenski zid. No čeprav tega zidu ne morem najbolj definirati in tudi prehrana med in pred dirko je bila dosti normalna. Graf moči in srčnega utripa na Oprtalj je šel zelo lepo in po šolsko navzdol, le graf za nadmorsko višino se je dvigal :p Pred tem pa vse v najlepšem redu, dobro počutje, vedno v prvi skupini ali drugi, ki je lovila prvo. Potem pa sem naredila 30x cikcak na 500-metrskem klančku na Momljan, skoraj bi me povozil motor s fotografom 😀 Nekako je vseeno zneslo za zmago, “hvala” saj veste kdo, ampak vse po pravilih. S trenerjem sva definirala, da sem imela najboljšo formo avgusta, takrat sem se res najbolje počutila na dirkah (Trophee D’Or Feminine).
Nato je sledilo “športanje” bolj po počutju in vremenu ter vmes se malo aktivirati in doseči kakšen QOM na Stravi, “otroci” pač. Sonček sem izkoristila za kolesarjenje po Krasu, okolici Bleda, Kranja, vmes kavica, tortica, QOM in tako dalje. Ko je padal dež sem šla po zelo dooolgem času plavat in tečt, na stare dobre triatlonske čase. Lepo je bilo, ampak s kar nekaj posledicami v zakislenosti mišic naslednji dan. Sedaj pa nekaj dni čisto na off le s sprehodi z mojo psičko (lenobico malo), da se čisto spočijem do prvih vsestranskih treningov, se že veselim … vSneži mojaeč o tem prihodnjič, s kar nekaj novostmi in presenečenji v naslednjem letu … 😉

I am kind of made for this game – Trophee d’Or Feminine


Finally I made it quite well. Came to Region Central of France to attend almost 400km long race divided to 5 stages. I enjoyed a summer-school-camp-like living in a school with some bunk beds with expectation of good luck and nice results due to hilly racing profiles. For the first day I managed the time trail with a steep climb in really wet conditions good and it boosted my motivation. The same day in a second more of a flat stage did ok came to sprint with a first group. There it was monday with a queeny stage with 4 climbs that got up from 15-20%. Almost lost the group on a first not so steep climb, but then did all the other climbs really in the front quite easilly, but than came the cramps.


I do not get them very often. Belive it is from cadence change from climbs to downhill and flatground. And the wind was horrible, I went two times over the sand by the road. I tried to ride light and stretch a little and the cramps let me go and I did the first group again but I was exhausted. So the fourth stage was flatty and boring, rested a little for the last stage which went up four hills at the end. I felt the best on this stage, but the climbs were not steep enough for my breakaway. So I helped my teammate as far as I could in a sprint (I think I am not so helpful yet due to my lack of experience but I did my best :p). So there I was over with my first 4 day stage race, got 32nd in general classification with only 2 minutes 43 seconds behind the winner. I am quite happy with that and also that I did not crashed (well once I did but It was only a scratch ;)). It was pretty hard and exhausting to do almost 100km each day but it was also hard to eat so much to recover well :p But I did better from day to day and felt much more comfortable positioning in the group, have to work more on my sprint finish (which does not exist at all :D, I chunk when the girls want to push me off the road :S). But it is a long process, you cannot have it all at once.


Limitless motivation


It is a hard life of a pro-cyclist if you are not a really positive person. Because there are so many strong cyclists and this sport is so unpredictabe. Half of the races you do not finish because of falls, mechanicals … on other half you come in the first half and in five races in the seasone you come to top 10 … But your motivation allways has to be high, to do everithing you can for your physical and psychological preparation, but do not overthink some bad luck you cannot avoid. It is a great and complexed sport, to live it healthy, courageous, respectful, patient, not giving up, you can learn so much in this big family of the road field.

Racing in your blood

 You have to race now, one race after another, it is no time for training no… tells me my coach and I agree. I do not have much experience, so I learn so fast with every race I do. And results are better with every race. After my injury I went to first 3-day race in Auenstein Germany. Short prolog was to flat and to short for me, so I ended more close to the end of result list but the second day with lots of hills was so much better. I finished in the first half even if I felt cramps in my both legs for the first time in my life. The last day we had to beat 112 kilometers and 2300 climbing meters. At the end I was really exaushted, felt cramps again and let the first group go due to that but I really enyojed racing for the first time this year. Loved the first steep climbs, after 10 out of 13 rounds they were not so great any more, but then came the descents that I enyojed, little afraid of going across the paved bank, but came to the finish in first third of competitors.  Continue reading