All African Continental Championships experience
Hi all.
It’s been a long while…
I will be talking about my experience at the All African Continental Championships which occurred just over 3 weeks now, and a little bit about what I was up to prior to this event. As most of you know my biggest goal of all time is to be qualified for the Olympic Games which is happening next year 2020 in Tokyo.

As I am part of a small country, I do not get the chance to qualify this easily. They are no races with UCI points in South Africa for the Women Elite. And we do not get enough “money” to be able to travel to the European UCI races. The only way to Qualify for the Olympic Games would be to get enough UCI points, or my only other option was to win the All African Continental Champs. That win could assure my qualification.

So here it goes, I started preparing a while back I would even say probably over 1 year ago. As the preparation is not only physical but also mental. A lot goes into organizing your life, plans, races, training, rest times, holiday times, camps etc. I have had the most amazing racing year personally last year 2018, winning the Cape Town Cycle Tour and 4 other races following up directly from there, and multiple podiums. As from there, I was mentally ready and prepared for 2019 aimed at the finalization of qualifying for the Olympics. Super positive about it all, and super excited.

The 2018 year ended on the last race end of November which was 94.7. From there 2 days later I flew back home to Mauritius to spend some quality time with the family, get some proper rest, and start my base and prep for 2019. Spent quite a few hours on the Mountain Bike and did quite a bit of miles. Came back home end of December, and it was time to take the skinny wheels out for a training camp with Absolute Motion crew before the first race of the 2019 season - Fast One Classic.
First few races went well for me, we unfortunately did not manage to get 1st place on all of them like last year, but for myself personally I was proud of stepping on the podium at every single race I did until now. Placing 2nd at Fast One, Ride 4 Sight and Cape Town Cycle Tour, 3rd at Berg en Dale my mental was so ready for the All African Continental Championships. I was so exited and so content about my form.

The AACC (All African Continental Champs) was meant to be held end of February sometime. Some issues apparently occurred back there in Ethiopia. Not so sure what the issues were, but this caused the AACC to be pushed till the end of March 2019. It was my very first time in Ethiopia. My first impressions I would say very poor country, very friendly and surprisingly clean. I obviously race for Mauritius when it comes to International and Continental races. We were only 2 riders representing Mauritius this year, myself and Aurelie Halbwachs. This was my 4th participation at the AACC. This event was the one I was prepared for and ready to achieve what I have always dreamed of – obtaining the Gold Medal for Mauritius.

The profile of the race was PAN FLAT, kind of a (L) out and back circuit. Super easy no corners, no downhills and no dangerous parts or tricky parts. Basically, a perfect race for a sprinter. And the surface was super clean and smooth. Distance of the race was 105 kms.
We had a “team meeting” obviously as we always do the night before the race to discuss tactics and what we individually expect or want from the race. We agreed that to qualify we would either need to win the race OR come second behind South Africa as they already qualified for the Olympics. So, obtaining a second place behind South Africa would have guaranteed our qualification. So that would mean, if a break gets formed with the 3 biggest countries in that break which would be South Africa, Ethiopia and Eritrea we could not let it go and we had to go with or close it down with no questions asked and no guessing. UNFORTUNATELY, we did NOT have a set leader, don’t ask me why… because I don’t even know why. In my opinion it would have been smarter to do so. Anyways, so that was it, to me it felt like I had no team there racing with me. I am used to having a team to support each other whatever the consequences are, whatever the race tactics are and whoever is the team leader on the day. It felt like we were (my teammate and I) racing for different countries. Personally, I was quite sad to be honest.

Race day came along, I was super excited but also obviously a little nervous. The race started at 08:00 am, the weather was nice, not too cold not too warm. Ate breakfast in my room as when I got downstairs in the early morning hours nothing was out yet and nothing ready. Clothes on and we rode to the start with our bikes, which was about 3 kms so not that bad. On top of it we rode on the route of the race to the start. Race started and the pace was EXTREMELY slow, probably riding at 15km/h maybe even less! It was quite funny to be honest; everyone was just waiting for the first move to be made. Once the first move went the race had started and they were quite a bit of attacks from all over. All countries testing each other out, from this point I just had to stay safe towards the front and follow the moves. As we are only two women elite representing Mauritius, it would have been great if BOTH of us would have done same amount of work in terms of contributing to close gaps, go into breaks and pace in the front of the bunch. But I guess, this would be dreaming a bit hey. As per usual, I was the one doing most of the work between the two of us, I don’t usually get frustrated as I get used to it by this point going to these events with her. But as I wanted this as bad as she wanted it, it really made me boil.
Anyways the race was just full of attacks from all over, and around the 30 kms into the race, so quite early in, I feel my back wheel bouncing a little. That is when I started stressing a bit, I knew I had a puncture. I never ever get punctures not even in training rides! And it had to be my luck to get a puncture on the most important race of the year for me. Put my hand up and stopped on the side of the road as fast as I could, tried to take my own back wheel off to make the change faster. Once I had the new wheel on, it was a 7kms chase back to the bunch riding at 48 km/h by myself. At first, I did not think I would have made it back, when I did, I was very thankful. From there they were good news and very bad news.

The good news was that I made it back safely. The bad news was that a break got formed when I punctured and crazy enough they had already 2mins gap from the bunch! I could not believe my luck at this point. I could not believe that as I punctured the girls attacked, obviously this was the only way for them to get rid of a sprinter on a flat route. I was extremely devastated. I then thought my team mate would be in the break as we had only 1 plan which was - not let the 3 biggest countries go ahead. I look around and there she was with us in the bunch! I do not understand. I will not understand, and I don’t think I ever will understand.
From there it was a chasing mission for me and Vera Adrian (Namibian rider). We agreed it would be our only chance to get a medal. So, we paced for about 70 kms. We asked the other riders from the countries that were not represented in the break to help us chase the front break back. Some of them would not even acknowledge us and some would but did only 50% of the pacing maybe even less. I even had to wave multiple times to my own team mate to come the front to help me out. It was honestly just a huge mess! Some people really cannot and don’t know how to race as a TEAM. Felt like Vera and Myself were teammates even though we were not. It was quite ridiculous.
We ended up never closing the gap to the break away. They obviously ended up winning with Eritrea 1st, Ethiopia 2nd and South Africa 3rd. All our hopes for Olympics games were gone. We then came along as a little bunch sprint. Before heading into the sprint Carla Oberholzer came alongside me and asked if I would like her to help to get 4th place. Carla is my teammate in the DEMACON Ladies Team back in South Africa. On the day she was racing for south Africa which obviously she was my competitor. Just shows what being a true “Teammate“ is all about.
1Km to go i see carla was trying to close the gap down so i followed her and stayed in her wheel, 600 meters to go Aurelie makes a very surprising attack which I was not very much aware off. Instead of working together to perhaps get 4th – 5th she decided to obviously do her own thing, which ended working well for herself and obtained 4th place. I wish I could also have faked it till you make it in races. Unfortunately, I go out there to race my bike. Give it all and win or give it all and come last. Anyways this is racing.
And in racing, not everyone can race their bikes the way it should be raced.
I am proud of the way I raced on the day, I gave it all and I left it all out there. It was all OR nothing. Very unfortunate day for myself, super disappointed obviously as I prepared for this a long time ago. I would like to thank every single person out there that supported me throughout this process.
My journey does not stop here, many many years to go.
Until next time peeps.
My Story - “ I am ready to fight again and be the person I have always wanted to be “.
Hey guys…
I have been quite out of it for a while, and haven’t posted in a very long time. Been sitting in a dark place for a while and hiding myself from the social media space.
Since last time i posted and wrote anything about myself was last year at the Fleche Wallone where I was racing for the UCI Pro Team Bizkaia Durango. Since then a LOT has happened to me in my life, and a LOT has changed.

I will take a few minutes to quickly resume my life since then to now.
It has been a very stressful , exiting.. and a lot of mixed emotions on the way to now. Has you all know i have been to Spain last year to race my bike in a UCI Professional Team where I was passionate about. My biggest goal was to finish the Giro Women 2016 with a smile. But it unfortunately did not end has planned. I crashed out on the 1st day of the 10 days tour. I accidental rode into the front of a parked car ( no skills .. yup i know.. ) It is quite funny when i think about it now. But back then it was a big deal for me has i trained hard for it, went to the Pyrenees with my family and brother Olivier Le Court and we trained hard in the mountains especially for the Giro preparation.

But I will explain more about why i decided to come home earlier then planed and why i did not go to Europe this year and why my life has changed completely - and i would say, it changed in a positive way.
I have been struggling to talk about any of this to any one. I have had so many people asking me “ why? “ but i tend to always lie to them and to myself and hide myself even more. I actually am getting slightly emotional writing this…. This is quite hard for me to explain and tell you guys why and what and when and answer those questions i have been getting for the past year.
Last year when i was in Spain i have had quite a few personal problems which i will not go into details. So this played quite a big role mentally for me. Then i started questioning if what i was doing now was worth it ? That was probably a question i asked myself a LOT. And it was hard to even listen to myself asking these questions and even the thought of it broke me. I got quite scared and stressed about the whole situation. And I still cannot put into details how i really felt. I had long thoughts about it and long talks with my family and close friends.
I first decided to push through and tried to conquer this fear of achieving. And carried on with racing my bike there in Spain. We went to the Giro and everything just crawled back into a hole. But i was still not training has i should’ve no intervals no nothing i was just ridding my bike has a commute and “ trying “ to enjoy ridding my bike. I know it sounds a little stupid that one crash can break someone but it was not only this one particular crash .. Everything that has been going on in my life just crumbled into a big pile of problems, worries and fear.

Since I was very young I always wanted to be the best of the best. It was in soccer, tennis, golf, school, friends, family, running everything i did or everything i was in I wanted to be the best. And i would always worked for it and never give up. But this time the problems the fear and the worries beat me. And I started not caring anymore about being the best or even wanting to be the best. For me this was very hard to take in. it was a very hard part of my life where I had to decide if i should take a break or not from all of this.
And so I did. I decided to fly back to South Africa 2 months earlier then i should’ve. For me this was the best decision i have made. I was scared that if i stayed longer for those 2 small months , I would’ve hated this sport. So for me to go back home and take it easy and start enjoying my bike again with NO PRESSURE what so ever on my shoulder’s and taking it easy with friends,was the best decision I had made. I was lucky enough i have my family’s support and my friends support.
I had a big fear by doing this, was to loose my friends or upset my family . But i am great full to have an amazing surroundings of friends and amazing family that will always support me with whatever decisions i might make in the future.

Why has this decision made my life a positive outcome ?
I am now a COACH and a sales rep for Absolute Motion and a Sales rep for Token Cycling SA and soon opening a Bike Fitting Studio in Pretoria. This has been quite of a ride for me to start all of this. But i must say i am very exited for the future and I love what I do.
I want to help others that might get into the same situation has me or are already in the same situation that i have been in Spain and help them with my experiences , help them to get through it and get stronger mentally and physically. And now that i can do those things makes me so happy and motivated.
I Currently have a few people I am coaching all of them are amazing people and makes me very exited and happy to work with them and see them grow has a person. I am super exited to grow in this coaching industry and grow myself has a coach and get more people involved with us ( Absolute Motion ).
We are also opening a new Bike Fitting studio In Pretoria. very soon. That is one more very exiting news for us. Where i will be the one looking after it. And making sure it works out . So I am personally very exited for this.

To end this resume about my life I have started and decided again that i want to train properly and follow a proper program with Absolute Motion. And I want to be the best again in everything I will be involved in.
My motivation is back. And I am ready to fight again and be the person I have always wanted to be.
Fleche Wallonne – (Belgium) 117th
Oh well, let’s talk about that race.

First of all, what an amazing experience to be on this start line. My very first goal for this one was to “finish “. And I am so so happy i did. Even though 2nd last i still finished. And achieved my goal.

Honestly this race was one of the hardest of my life…

Fleche was 140km with 2,400 meters of climbing. I would say this race is legendary, the best public and supporters I’ve ever experienced. Especially on the MUR DE HUY. Maybe that’s why i made it up that second time, the support was amazing I would’ve fallen off my bike is no one was there to scream “Don’t let the Mur hit you in the face! “

I guess my next year’s goal at this race will be to beat 117th place ;)
Durango-Durango UCI Classic - Spain - 48th place.
It was my first time racing Durango-Durango, i was so nervous, because it was also my first UCI race of 2016 in the pro bunch. The race was a 114km with 1,500 meters climbing. With some parts 17% gradient :O

I must say being a sprinter isn’t good for this race :P ahhaha….
The day before the race the team and I went to see the route and climbs, was much fun and very nice to know what was coming up for the race day.

The start of the race was at 3 pm, pretty late for a race, not used to it at all… has all our south African races usually starts around 6 am … hahaha
I was so nervous, but honestly so so exited to race with Lizzie Armistead and Emma Johanssen but got the bad news Lizzie wasn’t taking the start because of being sick. Being able to race with such athletes is just amazing. For me being on that start line is already an achievement!
The race was 5 laps of a 18 km route, and last 20 km was very hard climbs with 17% gradient climbs and massive down hills.

Hardest climbs I’ve ever did.
I felt so good in the first 100 km of the race which was the first 5 laps of the race. Was nervous for the second part the hardest part. I cant even explain how hard those climbs were. ahahaha i’m laughing about it cause i even heard some girls with wiggle complaining that this was the hardest climb they’ve ever did in women cycling .

I finished with a solid 48 th place ! Only 5 mins down to the winner Megan Guarnier from Boels Dolman.
So happy with my race. And also very proud of my teamie and awesome friend Heidi Dalton for her 51 st place same group has me :)
So great to race with such a special friend in a UCI race.
2nd Cup of Spain - 6th overall - 2nd Sprint classification. (Fontiveros, Spain)
I was pretty exited for this one has it was a flat and short one. 77.7km of 4 laps but 2 of a course and 2 of a different one.

The race was held in Fontiveros, Spain. 4 hours drive from where we based in Durango. So we left the day before in the afternoon, and drove allllll the way to Fontiveros. Seeing such nice scenery of Spain was a beautiful road there.
We finally arrived at our hotel at about 20:00, and we quickly dressed up for a small 30mins ride with the team, in the freezing cold weather .. But i must say it was worth it! That ride was probably close to be the most beautiful ride i’ve ever had even it was 30mins only. On our left they was the most amazing sundown ever, and on our left was snow . I mean seriously ?
Got back to the hotel, went for dinner and we were in bed at 23:30. That kind of killed us africans… hahaha…. So late… and for them spanish poeple its still “ good sleeping time “.

The race started at 12:45, so pretty much late, we had a nice long sleep to 9 ish and we were off to the race. Like i said i was exited, but cooooold :O

The weather was beautiful, but very very windy!!
In the first 10km I attacked and made a break with 4 Girls in the same team -_- (Lointek Pro UCI). And we were in the break for about 20km, they attacked me about 25 times. I took each one of them, and knew my team was coming at the back so i was relaxed.
The bunch came back just before the intermediate sprint which i had to go for, I was a bit tired because of the break and taking all the attacks. But i had to go again, and just before the sprint they was a massive crash in the bunch… 4 of our riders went down including our leader with the yellow jersey. So it wasn’t a good situation at all!

I got second again at the sprint unfortunately. very frustrating. From the crash the bunch broke into pieces, and was a small group only in the front with still barely all riders from Lointek. and only 4 of us.

So now we had to go for the final sprint, and our leader for the sprint was with us. So we were good in the front. I came down to a very dangerous and fast sprint. Which was a ( S ) form sprint finish, very technical and dangerous and fast. I was unfortunate in the inside and blocked from one lointek girl that made me push my brakes hard 5 meters before the line.

I honestly thought i had this one in the bag. It was a very easy sprint, and I had it in the bag.
I guess my day will come…. Very frustrating moment.
6th it was for me… Gaining more and more places each race (y)
1 st race in Spain ( Cup of Spain ) - 21 st overall , 2 nd Sprint Classification. (Noja ,Spain)
Honestly I didn’t know what to expect for this first race here in Europe. Has we were still tired from the flight here, (25 hours). We were still recovering. The race name was Trofeo Villa de Noja, which is a cup of Spain, has they is a few of those cups of Spain throughout the year. At the end of it all they will be a overall winning team and a overall climbers, sprinter and leader jersey.
The race was 105 km, 4 laps of 21 km. In one lap they was 4 climbs, 3 steep ones and a drag. The day before the race we the team went to ride the route, and i honestly liked it a lot. It was the kind of race i would love to race on. So i was exited to race it. But again like i said i was nervous because i had no idea what to expect, with my form i was not sure of myself.

I was told i was the leader of the team. Because i was the only one that could sprint. The plan for me was to get the Sprint at the second lap accross the finish line and at the end the win.
To me this was a bit heavy on stress has i just got here and had no idea how my legs would react to the race pace , attacks , climbs or climate.
So on the second lap I got into a break and it wet for quite a while until the last climb just before the finish we got caught again by the bunch and one girl from lointek attacked on the climb to go for the Sprint, and I was a bit tird but I had no choice but to go. So we both went and i just missed the sprint from not even half a wheel … I was upset because I gave my all. We had quite a gap on the bunch but we waited for them to come back.

Has from there I stayed hidden in the bunch all the way to the finish. The bunch broke into price each time we went onto a climb and i would be in the front all the time, but starting to struggle towards the end. we were always a small group over the climb but the bunch kept on closing us down in the down hills.
At the end my legs started to hurt up the climbs, but I tried to stay focus has much has possible. No really the mindset i wish i had.
I know i could’ve done way better. I hope to feel better and get on form has soon has possible.
My team mate Mavi GC won the overall by getting into a break on the last lap. We unfortunately got 2nd place on GC in the team classification.

Next Spain cups is this saturday and sunday.
Stay tuned has I wil report back next week ;)
Bye bye folks!
New Team - New Colors - Bizkaia-Durango Pro UCI Team ( Spain )
It has always been my dream to be in a UCI team based in Europe. Last year I got my first experience with Matrix Fitness Pro Team based in Belgium. It was an amazing year with so many races in Europe in high level racing. I gained so so much experience.
Last year October I got into contact with Bizakai-Durango and they gave me a contract. I was the happiest. Bizakai-Durango is based here in Durango, Spain. We do most of the big races in Europe, but our most important races are the Spain Cups has Bizakai-Durango is a Spanish team.
We ( myself and Heidi Dalton ) arrived in Spain last Wednesday night and it was freezing cold ( for us Africans ) of course ;)
We got our Team Launch the Friday night. Met all the team mates. just missing a few including my very good close friend ( Lise Olivier ) Joining the team in May. Cant wait.

Was a nice time there with the team getting to know each other a bit. Has it was the first time we ever met them.
Jakaranda Pretoria FM Cycle Challenge - South Africa
Well that was a HARD RACE for me. My body is so tired, i just can’t wait for my rest which will be after 947. It was a 112km road race in Pretoria.
I actually hated the race it was so hard hahaha…. we were so little girls, and so we had to pace from the start to finish, and the wind was just HORRIBLE. Felt like we were ridding in cape town in december on the open mountains roads.
I felt so bad, I just couldn’t, we got away 3 girls and myself, and I must say I was very very impressed with Charlene Roux’s ridding. She made some big attacks where I really struggled to get on her wheel.
We stayed together the whole way but pacing was hard. And towards the end i felt really shit for the sprint. I was positioned the best in the group and I still gpt beatten by Charlene. Damn that girl was fast.
I must admit i went way too early, but still happy with my second place. I can say this was kind of like a morning training session . hahaha
Well done to everyone.
Untill next time folks!
Tsongo Sun Amashova 2015 - South Africa
I actually love this race. It’s my second partici[ation in it. And since last year where I took the win and my Team mate Lise Olivier took second same time with me, it has been an exitement and stressfull time to be on the start line again this year to defend our title.

We were 4 team mates, Myself, Lise Olivier, Frankie Du Toit and Rozalia.
The race started and this 10km hill pretty slow pace where towards the end Lise started putting pressure on the front. On top of the climb i turned arround and saw that we were just a tiny group left about 9 of us. And all of us were still in.
Some attacks were done by Team Activate demacon pretty much during the whole race. Very strong team. We tried to take each one of their attacks has much has we could. My team mates made an amazing effort taking the attacks, and I had my eyes on One of the girls from activate.
Hat off to Frankie and Roazalia for their amazing work. Really helped myself and lise.
Since the beginign of the race my legs were completely finished. I was jst feeling so bad… And i knew from the str=art that I wouldnt be able to take that win like last year. So during the race I comunicated with Lise and told her about how i felt and that she had to try everything cause I wouldn’t be able to do anything.
Myself , An-li and Charlene Roux got a gap for a few kilometers, but it didn’t work out we got pulled back.
Once we got onto the highway, the attacks became more painfull, and i tried my best to keep up.
Lise got into a break with An-li , and they got a 30 seconds gap but it lso didn’t work out, then again she went into a break with two of the girls from activate but also didn’t work out.
We got caught by Activate’s team tactics, and I personally messed up, and they got top 3, and we got 4th-and 5th for lise and myself.
I must say I was very desapointed… I expected better but has people told me i learn by the worst way… No one is perfect… next time ill make sre im cloer to perfect then not.
And we will be back next year and try and take the title again.
Untill next time folks!
Trailseeker #Hakahana - South Africa
It was my first race back in South Africa. It was a 60km Mountain bike race, apparently the hardest of the series. I decided to just have fun on my mountain bike again and just do the race for fun. Well i think it was a bad idea. I was very hard and very very hot.

I was actually stressed, and very nervous. Has it was my first race back in my second “ home “ . Oh well i felt prety good, at the start and rode away with one women.

At about 20 km into the race they was a HotSpot, and I was happy to take it. From there, i saw a gap, and kept on pushing the same pace and looked back after a big climb ad saw no one.
below is the podium picture of the HotSpot winners male and female.

But I knew that the women behind me was way more experienced then i am in mountain biking and i knew she was going to catch me later on. I kept my pace has much has i could but i was getting tired. So my pace started to slow down each kilometer and then i got caught again.
Now i was racing for second place bu also got caught cause of the thecnical parts. It was actually hectic. I probably wark most of the dowhills. ahahaha….
Oh well beeing a roadie doesn’t help hey?
Below is the podium of U23 where i took the first place. And the overall women.

Untill next time folks!