Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Qinghai Lake: Stages 8-11
First goal: Don't lose any time, and stay safe. We aren't racing on such undulating terrain anymore, but each of the past few days there have been avoidable crashes and splits in the crosswind. Being tired leads to inattention and making questionable decisions in the bunch, these lead to crashes. A couple days ago I had about a foot of space (which doesn't feel like that much room when you're traveling at 50km an hour) to scurry between the edge of the road and fellow American Jake Keogh's head as he went sliding across the pavement.
Second goal: Look for opportunities to move up on GC. Now, in the second, flatter week of the race this primarily involves crosswinds. Us and a couple other teams have the same general idea. If we encounter a section of strong crosswind, get together as a team, throw it in the gutter, and whack it for about 10min to see if we can't split the field. It often leaves the skinny climbers, who had their time to shine during the first week, flailing in the wind. Unfortunately, most guy in the top 10 on GC have pretty good teams to look after them, so the group usually gets welded back together.
Third goal: Set up Kiel and Aldo for the sprint. Aldo has a powerful sprint and a real shot at winning. Kiel's best shots at winning only come if the stage has been really hard, but he sprints to remain high in the points competition (he's 3rd right now) for which there's a nice payout. We've been fortunate to be able to play off the United boys who usually do a good leadout. After keeping our two protectees at the front and out of the wind during the last 15 or 20km, me and whoever is left from our team usually hop in the United train to contribute one last effort in the last 5km.
The teamwork and unity has been incredible these last few stages, the best I've experienced so far on this team. We haven't really gotten awesome results as of late but I don't care. We've always been where we've needed to be in key moments and function like a unit.
Tomorrow is the last important stage, a bumpy 220km. We're in the desert now, so it promises to be a hot one as well. Maybe my recent training in Arizona at 110*F will finally pay off tomorrow in the fight to not get dehydrated. It's the last chance for the GC to shift, and we plan to be aggressive.
On another note, EVERYONE is ready to go home. I think that 4hr transfer we did after the stage two days ago put everyone (not just us, riders and staff from pretty much every foreign team) over the edge. Bike racers are really good at complaining to begin with, but now in our tired brains there are all of a sudden hundreds of more things to complain about. And everything gets blamed on "China" which basically covers all the bases... mainly cultural differences. It seems like at every meal the last couple days someone has shown up completely flustered (from a list of minuscule reasons that they're going to tell you about), slams their plate down, hangs their head, and mutters some form of "f#cking China" before digging into their plate of plain white rice. We've all done it; it's taken lightly as in "ha welp guess it's his turn to crack." The best cure for it is to get some nasty bit of food, like a fish head or yak bone, flung at you from across the table by a makeshift chopstick catapult... brings you back to reality real quick.
Long race tomorrow, hydrate or die!!!!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Qinghai Lake: Stage 7.... A WIN!
I got in a break about 15km in with a handful of other guys and rode it until we got caught just before the last lap. I can't say that I was all that productive in the break as I didn't manage to get either of the intermediate sprints (I seriously have one speed here), but my teammates were appreciative that we had representation at least. As the bunch swallowed up me and the other escapees, I had just enough time to admire how well my teammates were riding as a unit near the front. As I cruised across the finish line at the back of the group I was excited to see Swanny Ronny grinning ear to ear, hands in the air, jumping up and down. "Hey Ronny, don't shake up my coke!"
Rest day tomorrow, and thankfully we're at this same hotel for another two nights. Not moving around makes life so much easier. I was finally able to wash out my pair of jeans today (because they have 2 days to dry) and was glad no one was around to see the amount of brown water that came out of them. In my mind jeans never actually get dirty, and washing them today was more of a superfluous luxury, so that was pretty astonishing. The only complaint I have about this hotel and many Chinese hotel bathrooms is that nothing divides the shower from the bathroom. No tub, wall, 2in high divider on the floor, nothing. There's a drain In the floor under the shower, which may make it a halfway decent design if the floor was actually built accordingly. Instead the floor doesn't drain so you have to wear shoes into the bathroom every time you need to pee or use the sink. Aaaand the floor and baseboards have no doubt been wet for who knows how long, cultivating an especially fragrant blend of mold/bacteria.
Had a nice little America Day celebration out in the parking lot last night with the other two American teams here (Jelly Belly and UHC). Jack found Chinese branded PBR*, and the other directors came through with some loud Chinese fireworks. Made for a great break in the monotony of laying in bed, staring at channel 5, as we do every night.
*Technically none of the riders partook in PBR drinking. We just watched.
Qinghai Lake: Stage 5 & 6
Stage 5 was a 200km trek with the last climb around 30km from the finish. It was a pretty small one anyhow, so we came to the line with basically the whole field, which includes a lot of quality sprinters. We had Aldo there, but just in the last 5km or so he made the call that he wasn't feeling up to a good sprint and instead switched to a leadout role for Kiel. With a little rise in the finish and the altitude to deal with, I don't think any of the "pure sprinters" had much of a kick at the end. Luckily Kiel is good at altitude and can do everything... Climb, sprint, ride a crosswind, etc.
Today, stage 6 was a bit of a bear. We started on a climb right out of the gate, continued slightly uphill for most of the stage until reaching the climb that took us to what I think was the highest point of the race, 3850 meters. From there it was just a 15km descent to the finish where Kiel out sprinted all but one in the 40 man front group to take his 3rd consecutive 2nd place.
We raced through some incredibly beautiful landscape today. I wish I could raced with my phone to take more pictures of such huge, green mountains. The way of life in the finish town today looked so simple and peaceful. The land was scattered with Mongolian cowboys (a name I made up for them...I actually have no idea where Mongolia is) eager to keep pace next to the race on horseback, as well as numerous tent settlements of nomadic yak, goat, and sheep shepherds.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Qinghai Lake: Stage 4
I made it over the climb alright by just riding steady in the second or third group and then catching back on the descent. But when I was required to come around dropped riders in the crosswind with 15km to go, I had nothing. All of a sudden the group was shattering, I couldn't close gaps, and I was in the third group on the road. Lost a few minutes by the finish.
On the bright side, Kiel was in the front group, finished second in the stage, and leapt up to 9th on GC! So while I wasn't of much use, it was a great day for Kiel and the team. Ninth on GC is much closer to where we'd like to be.
At our team meetings we are very upfront about discussing our likes, dislikes, and opinions on how we road the stage. The biggest complaint tonight came from Aldo... In his Slovenian accent, "Man, when we were all lined up, just starting the climb, I hear brrrrrrrrrrrp and then Joey's fart hit me in the face. Man, that fart took me up to about 5000 meters for 5 seconds, I could not breath!"
Qinghai Lake: Stage 3
Today we climbed up to the Tibetan Plateau where the actual Qinghai Lake is located at an altitude of 10,500ft. In fact, our hotel is nearly on the bank. Fun facts: it is the largest lake in China; it is salt water; there have been bird flu outbreaks here.
The whole climbing without descending afterwards made the race pretty rough. Once we were on the plateau for the last 50km, we were also blessed with a couple frigid rain showers. So how'd the race play out? We started gently uphill from the gun fir the firs 80km until the KOM climb began for another 5km to finally get us up to the lake. I was in a break from about 30min to 1.5hr into the race before being caught, during with time I picked up a 2sec time bonus at an intermediate sprint. Then I suffered my butt off on the KOM climb while Kiel attempted to singlehandedly follow every acceleration made by the Columbians and Iranians, a job too big for any one man. Over the climb the group was completely splintered, but I managed to chase back on to join Kiel's group (as did a handful of others) until it was about 40 strong. By the time I regained contact there were fourteen guys off the front, with a lead approaching 1.5min. Julien and I got to work in the windy conditions, along with a few others, to finally bring the gap down to 45sec with 20km to go. There were many teams in our group with more representation than our mere 3 guys, including the yellow jersey, so we backed off (plus, we were tired) , expecting there to be plenty of other people interested in giving chase. There kind of were, but between the altitude and their disorganized methods of chasing the gap went back out to 1.5min by the finish. Not what we wanted. That puts us in a pretty poor position on GC. It's going to be hard to even crack the top ten with 14 guys already having that kind of time advantage.
Between that early break, the climb, and then chasing, I felt pretty worked upon crossing the finish line. When I made it to my hotel room afterwards, it was all I could do to shower, put on my warmest clothes, climb in bed, and stare at the ceiling, breathing and feeling my heart beat. At one point I grabbed my Preston & Child book thinking I was going to read. All that happened was that I laid back down with the book in my hand, and continued to stare at the ceiling.
Whatever city we're in is actually pretty cool. It's really small which I find much more appealing than the Chinas big, dirty cities. I ventured out to a marketplace after dinner where many vendors were selling animal furs. By the looks of it they had skinned any animal they could get their hands on; yaks, cats, foxes, dogs, and other unidentifiables. The dog ones make me kinda sad. This one in particular looked like he was probably really cute:
That's all I've got. More climbing tomorrow! I can't imagine that my legs will feel good tomorrow, but I've still gotta try to get the job done.
Tour of Qinghai Lake Stages 1 & 2
Monday, April 23, 2012
First Two Stages of Turkey
Pre-Race in Turkey
A positive I can start off with… Last week I raced at the Tour of the Battenkill in upstate NY and came away really happy with my ride. I did this race two years ago and remember barely clinging onto the back of the front group for the last two hours of the race, fighting with every ounce of energy I had to finish 27th place. This year was different. I started every dirt section and hill safely tucked in the front of the bunch, made the original break of 15 riders, survived the whittling down of the lead group, and sprinted to 4th place after the 3 leaders rode clear of us on the final climb. It gave me a lot of encouragement to see how my form was coming along and made me really excited to get to some more races underway.
Now, a week later I find myself in
Travel nightmares first… I thought we had a pretty sweet setup flying straight from
Oh yeah and
First thing I’ve noticed on while riding here: The roads are rough. They’re made of some sort of chip seal that’s not quite as smooth as ours. This week will require a lot of chamois cream, lower tire pressure, and double wrapped bars wouldn’t be a bad idea (I don’t think I’ll go to that extreme, but if I had to train on this stuff, it’d be a necessity). The plus side to this is that on our first ride when my bowels were still all locked up from traveling, the road vibrations reverberated the poo right outta me! I walked straight to the bathroom upon returning from this ride.
Second thing I’ve noticed, watch for cars, they have a little Chinese flavor to their driving (tho they mostly obey traffic lights here).
Friday, January 13, 2012
A day in the life
Friday, September 9, 2011
Bizarre Day
since I've gotten here, so last night I couldn't keep myself from
falling asleep at 8pm, too early apparently because I woke up at 12:30
am wide awake. I did some intervals between laying in bed for 45 min,
getting on the computer for a while, back and forth until it was
nearly 4am and I still wasn't asleep. Ecstatic that my honey had just
gotten online on the other side of the world so I'd have someone to
talk, all of a sudden I couldn't see parts of the computer screen. My
vision was blotchy, could this really be a migraine coming on?? I
hadn't had one of those since like 8th grade and had never intended on
getting one again. I excused myself and managed to fall asleep before
much of the pain set in. Unfortunately it was waiting for me in the
I rolled out of bed at 7am, head pounding, stomach nauseous, and
experiencing a super-sensitive sense of smell. Good morning,
migraine. I force breakfast down, hobbled back to my hotel room and
could do nothing but lay down. Today's time trial was more of an
exhibition event with good prize money and had no effect on the
overall standings for the stage race, that starts tomorrow. The only
thing that kept me from going upstairs to ask director Mike Carter if
I could skip the race was the fact that I seriously doubted my ability
to make it to his room without puking somewhere along the way. The
motion of the elevator probably would have been bad enough to do it
but coupled with that sweaty/musty fish smell, I didn't think I stood
a chance. Finally I mustered the strength to stand up and as I was
walking to leave our room, I didn't even make it to the door. I
detoured left into the bathroom and immediately started puking my guts
out. I mean everything came out. First the french toast and then the
raisin bran (tho I had not eaten them in that order, I figure the
french toast was lighter than the dense, chewed up bran which must
have settled at the bottom of my stomach... science!).
Ty heard it all and was thoroughly grossed out but my tum tum felt
better right away and I couldn't have been happier. I can race with
just a headache! Luckily it lessened some as I got closer to my start
time and the 2 shots of espresso and a donut from the Dunkin Donuts we
had discovered in town did wonders for me (even tho maybe most
cyclists wouldn't approve of me eating it just an hour and a half
before my start). That's one thing I forgot to include in my previous
post, NO COFFEE! We can't even get black tea at our meals so every
morning I'm a mess until I get to Dunkin Donuts.
Next gross part, sorry I gotta include this cause its so nasty: I had
my first experience with a public Chinese bathroom today before the
start. Yes, I had to poo otherwise I woulda just found a bush to pee
on. I disregarded the homeless man living in the bathroom closet and
ventured into a stall. Their public commodes are kinda like normal
toilet bowls but they're built in to the ground so you don't actually
sit on anything... you do the "third world squat" hovering just above
the whole. The aim was a little tricky for me at first as I've never
had to poo from the air onto a target. Here's the gross part: no
toilet paper. It's not just that they were out, I guess the people
that use these bathrooms just don't wipe. Or maybe they all know to
bring something disposable to wipe with. Either way, luckily I still
had my wallet in my jersey pocket and this had me searching
frantically through it for all the receipts I could find. The one
that worked the best was a bank deposit receipt cause it was on
courser paper than the normal slippery restaurant receipts. Yep,
pretty gross.
So I do the TT, whatever, I didn't puke, I felt ok, my head still hurt
a little, and think I may have even done an ok time. There's no
doping control today so I head back to the hotel by bike to get
showered and go to lunch. It's not until after lunch that the rest of
my teammates who had later start times informed me on all that
happened while I was gone. Apparently I managed to get 2nd place in
the TT by a mere 1 second! The funny, tho slightly embarrassing part
is that since all us riders were already gone by the time they
announced results, director Carter had to throw on a jersey, get up
there on the podium for me even attend a little press conference (as
brief as he made it) pretending to be me.
I really didn't expect such a result after the morning I'd had, but
I'll take it. Makes me look forward to what we can do in the next two
First Impressions
Xi’an, China for the first two stages of the Tour of China (we move on
to other cities for the following stages). This may have no real
organization but I’ve never been to anywhere in Asia so here are some
random observations I’ve gathered from my first couple days here:
Everyone I’ve come in contact with is EXTREMELY helpful, or at least
intends to be. The race organization has dozens of Chinese in their
late teens/early twenties working for them to help deal with all the
foreign teams. All the helpers speak English, and thank God they do
because not many other people do. As soon as we exited baggage claim
at the airport, Ty and I were met by a small group of giggling young
women waving “Tour of China” signs. Another young gentleman with them
showed us to a bus right away and had us to the hotel in no time
(actually I have no idea how long the bus ride took because I passed
out immediately and didn’t wake once). In addition, each team has an
assigned translator to tag along to races/other events (basically
whenever we leave the hotel). Our translator was sooo pumped to meet
us and to show us around the fancy hotel upon our arrival, and I
sincerely felt bad that I couldn’t share in her excitement… all I
could think was “Look lady, I’ve seen a hotel before, I’m effing
tired, gimme dat room key so I can go to sleep.” Nice lady tho, she
meant well.
The food. It’s Chinese, but it ain’t no Peking Restaurant on the
Athens East Side, that’s for sure. I’ve had a hard time eating any of
the meat dishes since I’ve been here. I showed up all open minded and
the first couple meals loaded my plate with a little of everything
from the buffet. After the second day I realized that no matter how
many times I tried it, most meat makes me nauseous. I’ve found that
nearly every dish has one of two characteristics that makes it
unappealing (or maybe both when the chefs get creative, yeck): either
it’s seafood and tastes strongly so, or its meat that seems to have
been prepared in a blender so that bone shards outnumber the amount of
edible meat in any given bite. My usual meal consists of white rice,
steamed veges, and hopefully one meat dish I can identify as edible
(it’s hit or miss with those). A couple times they’ve graced the
buffet with a Western item or two such as mashed potatoes or french
fries, but somehow they manage to taste slightly like fish as well.
In addition to tasting like fish, almost everything smells fishy and
my stomach no likey. Our hallway, musty fish. Chinese BO, sweaty
fish. The elevators, sweaty AND musty fish from the people that ride
in them. Some areas outside, dirty fish. Seriously, somehow stank
fish is the default smell here when anything is going to smell bad.
It makes me slightly nauseous just walking out into the hallway and
down the elevator to make the trip down to the restaurant every meal.
I keep checking myself and I’m afraid I’m starting to smell like it
too, possibly from the food we’re eating? Oh yeah, mix cig smoke in
there with stank fish. That’s the smell that’s everywhere.
Traffic is scary. I’ve seen 2 traffic accidents in the last 3 days
and I am outside a very limited amount each day. I’m sure there are
some traffic laws but as far as I can tell, WHO CARES!? It’s like one
huge game of chicken out there. Traffic lights are followed by about
50% or the drivers, the other half get to a red light, wait til the
edge of the intersection to slam on the breaks if they must but then
continue to creep on out no matter how many cars are coming the other
way. A lot of swerving and honking goes on, but eventually they just
get so in the way that a crossing car finally lets them through.
Though there are 6 lanes on a lot of these roads so sometimes cars get
stuck in the middle of the intersection and are forced to wait for it
to “clear” before they can proceed. Tonight as we were driven to the
team presentation we didn’t stop at a single red light and cut off a
cop from a few lanes over to swerve into a bike lane when traffic got
too bad. That brings up riding outside… There are huge bike lanes
(maybe too big because they are able to fit cars and busses as well)
divided from the road by a median. Sounds safe but with all the cars,
busses, mopeds, and rickshaws darting in and out of the lane, you
gotta cover your brakes with a hairpin trigger finger.
That’s all for now, I should probably stop complaining.
Monday, September 5, 2011
To China!
Da bus
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Look Rachel it's yooouuuuuu
Last stage but not done yet...
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Questions from my fan base..
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Settimana Lombarda
Test with the doc

Saturday, August 27, 2011
First race
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
L'hotel e un lago
In Italia
Friday, May 27, 2011
Wilmington Grand Prix RR
Wilmington Grand Prix Crit
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Aww, how nice...
Monday, May 24, 2010
I travel by bike
Blog Drought
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hittin' the wall
Thursday, March 25, 2010
On Deck...
Owie (San Dimas Circuit)
The ninth time up that hill was balls out hard, and just as I finished sprinting over the “cobbles” (aka fake brick textured road) that lap, I could feel them sneaking up on me. Cramps. Nothing debilitating yet, but the tinge was there, right in the end of my quads, slightly above my knees.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Back at it....
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
The first 2 races (road race and time trial) went pretty terrible for me. The only thing I've been able to figure is that it was the heat that was killing me. I guess part of Oregon, Bend included, has been having a crazy heat wave because the temperatures were right around 100 degrees while we were there. It's also basically a desert too so the air is super dry. Anyhow, it was hot and there have been very few times that I have ever felt that bad on my bike. I felt like I had the speed but after the first couple efforts, it was taking ages to recover like I normally do so I was basically worthless for the rest of the race. In the road race, however, Oscar had a standout ride, attacking solo and then joining a big group that separated from the pack on the climb. He road to 17th place and upon looking at the results, I realized that everyone that beat him that day, with the exception of only a couple, has or still does ride for the national team....crazy. The road race was such a hard race that that's a really good result.
I didn't quite leave Oregon completely depressed, however. The last race of the week was the crit in downtown Bend. An early break of 3 went up the road and despite the sporadic efforts of me, Oscar, and about a dozen New Englanders (from at least 3 different teams) who all appeared to be working for Keough, we didn't catch them. I was a little disappointed but followed moves for the remainder of the race until, before I knew it, it was 1 lap to go and I found myself third wheel sprinting for 4th. Keough did end up coming flying past me right before the line, but he was the only one and I passed the two in front to secure the final spot on the podium: 5th. I was pretty happy with that. So I got a medal and some podium photos out of the week after all.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Highlights of the week leading up to our trip to Oregon include the day that Thomas and Oscar went out on a gathering mission and came home with at least 5 or 6 lbs of wild rasberries. We'd seen them lining the backroads for a week prior but hadn't discovered their identity until Thomas stopped and asked some guy that seemed to be picking the berries. Anyway, all Thomas's wildest dreams came true (rasberries are his favorite food) and we ate rasberries with every meal for 3 days straight.
Also, while out training on Thursday, Thomas and I got caught in a terrential downpoar. The rain was coming down hard, and Oscar even called wondering if he should come pick us up somewhere but we brushed off the offer thinking we were gonna be totally badass and pound it out through the rain storm. Good call......not! Fifteen minutes later I found myself on the ground sliding across a metal open grate bridge and then onto the concrete. Whathahappent was, as we were riding in a straight line across this bridge, even going slow I might add, I either jerked my biked a little or maybe just peddled. Either way, the metal was sooooooo slick and something I did made my bike start sliding sideways, and before I knew it I was sliding hands and head first across the ground.
Being wet, the concrete portion of the ground was awful kind to me and didn't give me any of the ordinary road rash. The metal grate bridge on the other hand, did what all graters do best and sliced into my palm. The area of infliction was the squishy, meaty part right under my thumb, and split open, I got a first hand view of what a thumb muscle looks like.....no different than a piece of raw chicken breast (except bloodier). Looking down to see my own skin parted and a little sliver of chicken sticking out between the skin flaps really messed with my head. Almost immediately I got nauseous and sorta dizzy. As I stumbled over to a stone wall to sit down, Thomas called Oscar back to take him up on his offer. I was doing all I could to keep from throwing up for the next half hour as I sat in the rain. I calmed down soon enough however, and by the time we were on the way to the hospital I had actually discovered that by flexing my thumb I could suck that little extruding piece of meat back up into my skin and then release to make it hang back out again. Thomas thought that was pretty cool but Oscar wouldn't look and I think I almost made him pass out while driving just by telling him about it.
No one was in the emergency room so it was a quick n' easy visit (except for the 2 or 3 shots the lady put right into my hand, that hurt!!!!!) and I only got 4 stitches. After the nurse lady was done I admired her work at closing it up so well and she even said, "Yeah, I just had to shove that little piece of meat back up in there." I couldn't have said it better myself.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Raccoon Rock, aka Hamburg Hole, aka Schuylkill River Cliff Jump, aka IQ Test