Wiggins compares Roglic to Induráin: "He is the most similar to the Spanish champion, he wins, wins and wins again"

Bradley Wiggins is no longer a Eurosport commentator but he continues to talk about cycling regularly. The former Tour de France winner wanted to praise Primoz Roglic after his Giro d'Italia and for this, he wanted to compare him with none other than Miguel Induráin in statements collected by Diario de Triatlón:

"Primoz Roglic has a lot of the style of Miguel Indurain, he is a machine. He is the most similar cyclist I have seen to the Spanish champion since he is very methodical and wins, wins and wins again," Wiggins says. "I think that just like what happened with Miguel Induráin, he is the most consistent cyclist."

Wiggins believes that neither Primoz nor Miguel are the most aesthetic cyclists in history, but that doesn't matter, in the end, Roglic is successful because of his good work in all fields:

"Roglic may be unorthodox but the reality is that he does everything right," explains the Brit. "Roglic's riding may not be aesthetically beautiful on the bike but he is a machine that does everything right. He is one of the best climbers and time trialists in the peloton. Roglic has the complete package and that makes him unique."

Of course, Wiggins also sees clear differences between Induráin and Roglic:

"Between the two there is a big age gap and that is why they cannot be compared as equals. In addition, both have had a very different arrival in professional cycling. The mentality of the two is also different."

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