Endura: “We’re in the Tour!”


Interview with Team NetApp-Endura’s Scott Thwaites from Yorkshire & Endura MD Jim McFarlane’s first reaction on Tour de France news

RST Cycle Clothing & Trigon Bikes

Livingston, Scotland, 6th February 2014 – You can imagine the excitement at the Endura headquarters in Scotland when the news about Team NetApp-Endura’s wild card for the Tour de France 2014 arrived. With two teams wearing Endura clothing for the Tour de France, what’s not to get excited about?


Endura MD Jim McFarlane heard the news and went to get a bottle of champagne – two teams with Endura clothing in the one Tour de France. Sensational news for a British company.

They are not entirely sure when a clothing brand was last a headline sponsor of a team in the Tour de France, but it was certainly some time ago if at all. What they do know for sure is that Team NetApp-Endura is the first German team to take part in the Tour de France since 2010.

Team NetApp-Endura team rider Scott Thwaites from Yorkshire and Endura’s founder and Managing Director Jim McFarlane give their reactions to the great news.

Interview with Team NetApp-Endura rider Scott Thwaites from Yorkshire
The 24 year old Classics rider and sprinter Scott Thwaites from Yorkshire, was part of Endura Racing before the team merged with NetApp to become Team NetApp-Endura in 2013. He comes from a triathlon background, likes hills as well as being in the breakaway, and is part of the classic division of Team NetApp-Endura. We asked him for his thoughts on the Tour de France which starts right at his doorstep this year.


Q: What does it mean to you that your team is selected for the Tour de France?
Scott: The Tour is a dream for any young rider and with it starting in Yorkshire, it makes it extra special to have the opportunity to ride in front of a home crowd.

Q: Where in Yorkshire are you from? How would you sum up your home town in one sentence?
Scott: Burley in Wharfedale – it’s a small village on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, surrounded by great countryside and moorland.

Q: What do you like the most about your home town? What do you miss the most about it when you are abroad?
Scott: I like that it is so close to the Yorkshire Dales which offers great riding on and off road. I miss all the small shops and cafes and the strong community feel.

Q: What do you think of the first stage of the Tour de France? Where are the challenges on the course?
Scott: It’s a great route which shows off some nice areas of the Dales. The grippy roads around the 3 main climbs will be the hardest part of the day.

Q: What is your personal favourite stretch of the Yorkshire stage?
Scott: I like the climb of Grinton as it is steep and has views for miles at the top.

Q: What’s your favourite ride in Yorkshire?
Scott: I like to head from Leeds towards Masham and then back to Pately Bridge. It’s a hilly route through small villages and on quiet roads.


 Scott winning the British Classic, the Lincoln GP when with Endura Racing

Q: What type of rider does one need to be in order to be successful on the Yorkshire stage?
Scott: I think it will be a sprint finish but the roads are sapping and the finish is on a small climb so it will suit a sprinter who goes well on uphill sprints.

Q: How often do you still ride back home in Yorkshire?
Scott: I train there whenever I’m not away racing as the terrain is great for a variety of rides and especially good for a classics type rider like me.

Q: Does your training change in any way in the light of the TdF news?
Scott: Once the classics are over, I will focus on longer climbs and also sprints.

Q: What where the reactions of your parents and mates of your team being selected for the TdF?
Scott: They were all very excited at the prospect of the team riding the Tour and me having a chance to be part of it.


Jim (right) talking to Ian Wilkinson at the launch of Endura Racing a few years ago. 

Endura founder and Managing Director Jim McFarlane’s reaction to the Tour de France news:
Q: Jim, where were you when you heard the news?
Jim: At Luton Airport on the way home from COREbike Show. A text came through from Ralph Denk, the Team manager. It said “We’re in The Tour!”

Q: What was your first reaction?
Jim: It was a big surprise. We hadn’t expected to hear for another couple of months so my first thought was “this is phenomenal” and my second thought was that I was duty bound to buy a bottle of champagne as soon as I landed – which I did.

Q: How did you celebrate the news that night?
Jim: With that bottle of champagne. Still had to catch up with my email though, there’s no getting away from it…

Scott Thwaites ToB 2

Scott Thwaites on the attack in the Tour of Britain in 2013.


Endura have been sponsoring events, riders and teams for many many years, putting money back into the sport. Pic is of Daniel Lloyd at the British RR Champs at Celtic Manor.


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