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Sean De Bie: “2013 was one of my best seasons so far”

Currently in the Tour de l’Avenir, one of the most important races for young riders, Sean De Bie took some time before going to France for an interview I have to thank also to Mister Tim Vanderjeugd, press officer for Leopard-Trek. One of the best riders in the U23 ranks, the talented Belgian recently signed a two-year contract with Lotto-Belisol, which means we will see him next year in the pro peloton. What will his objectives be and what are his feelings after this season? Find out all by reading the following interview.

– Sean, what meant for you to become European Champion this year?

I was really happy with it because I knew I can win races on this level and in the past I was always close to a win, but never on the highest place. To win a race like the European Championships makes me feel really confident for the future and gives me a lot of motivation to keep working hard.

– Were you thinking before the start at the possibility of winning the race?

I was already for two weeks in the Czech Republic, first for the Czech Cycling Tour, then for the European Championships, and also the weeks before I felt that the condition was growing up and that I would achieve the top at the EC. All was going as I planned before the season started. So the week before the EC I felt really good and had a lot of self-confidence, because I was training everyday since one week before on the circuit, it had no surprises for me anymore.

– You come from a family with a strong background in cycling. What advice did you receive from your father when you started this sport?

Not that much, my father let me learn as much as possible by myself. He knows what it means to grow up in cycling and we always discuss which road we have to follow, which he thinks is best for me to be a good professional rider.

– How was the 2013 season with Leopard-Trek?

This was until now one of the best season I’ve had. I really like the atmosphere within the group. Is really interesting to have all the guys coming from different countries and with different habits. As from the start until now I didn’t regret that I decided to stay one more year at the U23 level.

– What improvements you’ve made this year?

I made a lot of improvements physically, because I am feeling stronger. That’s the result of hard work in the winter. In the past I had a lot of problems with finishing stage races, which are a weak point, but since this year that’s also a lot better. Before this year I never had a trainer or some training plan, since this year I have and it feels that I made big improvements. Also mentally I made a big step, I can focus longer on a specific goal, and I never had a lack of motivation for training.

– Do you have any regret when it comes to the races from this season?

I have finished until now all my stage races, except one, because of a crash. I won the European Championships, which was a big goal, and also finished in the top-5 of the Tour of Flanders and La Côte Picarde, which was also a goal. Until now I achieved all my goals. And I have zero regrets!

– How do you feel knowing that next year you’ll race in the World Tour? What will your objectives be?

It’s a big relief, I feel that I did good to wait to finish the U23 category before making the big step. For sure it will all start from zero again, at a higher level. As objectives I think that the Spring Classics will be a goal. Not in the World Tour, but maybe in smaller 1.1 races I hope to be present in the final there.

– Long term, what races do you dream of winning?

I hope to become a good pro rider, with a dream to win one-day races as Milan-San Remo, Tour of Flanders and Amstel Gold Race.

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