Vino: TdF is still my dream!

    • Filled in News in English 4 Октябрь 2010 в 1:55, author: KazakhNeRider
    • Views: 14 506.

    Original interview - Valentine Leschinskiy/


    Alexander, will you continue to race for Astana next season?
    Yes, I feel I'm still able to ride on top-level. I think I proved it this year.

    Astana's Pro-Tour license expires in 2010. Do you afraid that the team has a problem to renew it?
    No absolutely, I hope that troubles we had last year gone. All we need - just to send full pack of docs to UCI at time. There shouldn't be problems.

    There were a lot of rumors that Astana wanted to sign Denis Menchov. Why it wasn't happened?
    Of course, Menchov was one of the main candidates we reviewed. But there was not that fight between us and Katusha as it was written everywhere. Yes, of course, Menchov is one of the best riders, he was on the podium of Tour de France, but these days we don't desperate for only him. He's got planes for next TdF, but I've got such planes as well. I don't think that Menchov is much stronger than me.

    Is Astana going to talk with Andrey Kashechkin about signing him?
    Yes, in future it's possible. If Andrey will prove his strength, his ability to fight on top-level and to get results, why not - he could come to Astana

    So, you suppose he didn't prove it on Vuelta?
    Not yet .

    But you personally, do you want to see him in Astana next year?
    Most likely - not in next season. I personally don't need him to help me on TdF.

    Who from Astana's newcomers is the most transfer's success?
    Roman Kreuziger - is the most prosperous signing. He is still young, but he's got great prospects, he is very promising. I believe he will be our main force on next Giro and TdF.

    Has Astana tried to sign Shlecks?
    Yes, we tried. But it wasn't really serious, there were not detailed proposals, because we saw their great planes for their own team. They've got already a strong team and want to fight for it.

    To win GC of Tour de France - is still your crystal dream?
    Dream – is dream. It’s still remaining. I will fight in 2010 for overall victory. But in the presence of such strong rivals as Contador and Scheck brothers it is very difficult to expect to win .

    Are you going to participate in other Grand-Tours?
    At the Giro d’Italy - probably not, but for Vuelta  - it is too early to say something.

    You had to fight hard enough in the mountains of the Giro with your opponents. According to many people opinion you're a bit too heavy for mountains, it was a main obstacle for you on Giro. Regarding to this do you have plans to lose your weight?
    This is impossible. If I have 4% of fat in my body what can I lose? I can not cut a piece of meat (laughs).

    You are going to participate in the Asian Games. What is your attitude for such competition? Do you really interested to fight with the strongest cyclists of Asia or its just one guaranteed medal for the overall ranking for Kazakhstan?
    Asian Games – the most important continental competition and the attitude for this Games should be appropriate. Maybe in the sense of fight - it will not be very interesting. But I would like to add in my collection the medal of the Asian Games. Well, if it is necessary for our country, then it should be done.

    What about your plans to build your own sports center in Nice?
    Till now a progress is slow. All necessary papers will be executed till the end of this year. So - construction will start no sooner than next year.

    Will it be your own complex?
    I think I’ll not be able to carry on such costly project only myself. So I will combine efforts with somebody.

    Maybe you are planning to make this center like a base for training of Kazakhstan sportsmen?

    Of course no. It’s a business-project. This complex will be public.

    What about a team Astana-2?
    It’s in a progress. It will be a continental team which will become a bridge for our young promising cyclists to the top-teams.

    Are you planning to finish your career upon the end of next season?
    I don’t like to make such long-term plans. We will see next year. But most likely 2011 will be the last year of my professional career of cyclist. I don’t even know what should happen that I would continue to ride in 2012

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