Contador: “It was important to come to the pavé for more security”

    • Filled in News in English 27 Апрель 2010 в 11:44, author: KazakhNeRider
    • Views: 12 977.

    Alberto Contador in the stage of the pavé of the Tour de France

    “It was important to come to the pavé for more security”

    Photo ContadorInfo

    Alberto Contador today hold a press conference few kilometers from the finish of what will be the third stage of Tour de France 2010, after recognizing the seven sectors of pavé including on this event. Contador was joined by Oscar Pereiro and Benjamin Noval, as well as Peter van Petegem, a former Belgian professional and winner of 2003 double  Paris-Roubaix / Tour of Flanders, who did as a guide for the Astana Spaniards.

    Alberto Contador said that making this reconnaissance, with a visit to the Arenberg Forest included, facing the stage finish, “is very important. It was essential to know and test the material. That give more security. My conclusions have been good and I finished happy, with good feelings about the behavior of the bike in the pavé sectors, although I am a little tired after Liege. I go back home with a good taste”.

    Have you been impressed by the pavé, you're afraid of losing some time?

    I have not fear, I have respect for the stage. It will be very complicated, with high tension by being ahead, but in the end the differences will not so important or even not there. It is an important stage, but I do not obsess.

    Do you think it is okay to occasionally have a pavé stage in the Tour?

    There opinions for all tastes. It is true that this is spectacular, you only need to see how many you are on these reconnaissances, but can also cause a fall on a favorite for the overall and he had to abandon the race. Personally, I prefer not pavé, because it can distort the classification, but the course is there and we have to accommodate to it.

    Was important the presence of Van Petegem with you?

    Yes, no doubt. Having been both yesterday and today with a great champion like him is a huge advantage. He advised me a lot how to go into the pavé and about the material, etc. In these two days I learned more about the pavé than in my whole life. His advice will be very important.

    After this do you want torace Paris-Roubaix?

    Yes, of course. The forest of Arenberg is perfect for me and of course I will be at the start (laughs) ... Seriously, for the moment, I prefer to watch the race on television at home.

    Of all the sections, which did you found most difficult?

    The last four sections are quite similar. There are ones with some curves that can be more complicated if it rains, but the last 4 sections are very similar.

    Is it just a matter of technique or also influences the position, etc. to tackling the pavé, what do you think?

    I have full confidence and also I’m fortunate that Specialized has a specific bike model for the classics and this kind of stages. That is an advantage, because since I've ride  the 'Roubaix' I felt super comfortable.

    What is more important than what you learn today?

    the most important was the material. The type of wheel, tire pressure at all times and the best places to enter the pavé, for which party to go, hands position, etc..

    What about development?

    I spoke with Van Petegem and after all it is best that each one goes with his natural cycling rithm, perhaps the pace down a bit, because mine is very high.

    It’s possible to lose the Tour at this stage?

    Yes, but also in all other for any incident. In this stage there is more risk of damage or fall and it is clear that here nobody is going to win the Tour, but you can lose it.

    Are there tactics team in these stages?

    Yes, of course, to see how the riders are placed on the pavé. In race will not be so easy to do, but we've thought who habe to be ahead and who will go back on the pavé.

    Do you think rivals can attack you here?

    I think it will be like a wind stage. Everyone is looking forward to get out ahead.

    What does it mean for you to have at this stage Vinokourov?

    A huge tranquility because it is a great rider, very experienced and very hard.

    Have you distributed yours rol in the Tour?

    From the beginning we have always been clear and he has give me tranquility. He will be to help in everything.

    Do you think there is any rival in particular that will try something at this stage?

    I think they will try to have benefit because it seems that is a stage that is not good for me, but after it a long tour will still be ahead and if there are differences, at the end of the Tour will not be so important.

    What result here would be good for you?

    I do not like signing a result before running, but the goal is reached the finish with the lead group and, above all, not falling.

    (Automatic translation. Forgive inaccuracies).

    Jacinto Vidarte
    Jefe de Prensa / Press Officer

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