Alberto Contador’s Press Conference, 20.01.2010

    • Filled in News in English 21 Январь 2010 в 12:40, author: KazakhNeRider
    • Views: 10 188.

    Alberto Contador’s Press Conference

    "The team is responding in an incredible way"

    Alberto Contador has offered today a Press Conference at the Calpe stage hotel in which he has been very pleased with his progress and that of his companions after the first trainings of the year. Contador will stay in Calpe until next Sunday and begin to compete on 17 February at the Tour of Algarve.

    How are you feeling at this stage and how do you see the Astana team?

    I'm very happy with the work we are doing here. We're riding about 160 or 170 km on average and the team is responding in an incredible way. There is a difference in attitude from last year in riders who were on the team, with the Kazakhs much more involved and they shows also that have improved their level. As for me, I'm very good sensations. I still have to tune a little more, but data are still very good.

    Are there differences between the stage of Pisa and now?

    Yes, I have noticed much difference, but not in motivation. What I wanted was to see the team in hard training and we have done some of over 200 km and still were riders who have done more. Every day I become more convinced that we will have a great team in the Tour.

    Can you tell us your calendar?

    Yes, it is planned and I will begin Feb. 17 in the Tour of Algarve. Then go to Paris-Nice, which is a race I really like, and I will continue with Catalonia and the Basque Country. Then there are the classics, depending on how tired I will be I’ll decide if I do them or not, but even if I’ll go will be mainly for watching them.

    You've done a biomechanical study, how were the results?

    It was a study by Specialized and I was very happy, because they are people with experience and study my position to improve pedaling efficiency. My feeling at the time of transmitting power to the bike is now better.

    How is Astana this year compared to last year?

    It has nothing to do with, this year the team is more around me and that was thanks to Yvon Sanquer and Giuseppe Martinelli.

    Last year was not?

    Last year there were many more riders to play the big tours and this year there are not so many.

    What do bring to the team riders like Vinokourov and Pereiro?

    A great experience. I see Vino doing great, working incredibly. He wants to prove what a great champion he is. Pereiro has given me very good impression. I do not know how he was these past years, but what I've seen in Pisa and before leaving for Australia is that he has proved he has very clear ideas and that knows he has a great chance to shine.

    Are you the man to beat this year?

    No, there are many riders who have a lot to say and I'm not necessarily the man to beat.

    After the Tour, the Tour of Spain is in your plans or not?

    There is an option, but will depend on how the season and the team goes. The course is very attractive and I can not say it’s out.

    Are you surprised that you've no asked about Armstrong in these first 20-minute press conference?

    No, I do not always to be asked about him.

    It has been said that there is now a rival of 5 stars and the other only are 2 stars, do you agree?

    No, I disagree with that, no one stands out so much. There are many rivals, though in a face to face who put me more in trouble in the mountains of the Tour was Andy Schleck.

    What is your relationship with Johan Bruyneel?

    We're a little more separated because each one is with his project, but relationships are correct and I hope that in some years we will have a completely normal relationship.

    Was there a special treatment from Bruyneel to Armstrong?

    The Tour de France is over and I not want to to value those things.

    What will be next Tour’s key?

    I think it will have a lot of influence regularly because there are many hill finishes. There are wind stages and pavé, but there is only one time trial, so the key will be the mountain.

    Are you train the cobbles?

    Yes, because it is a field which in principle is not in my favor, but neither I had bad experiences in this, so maybe I could take advantage.

    Do you think it will be possible to have a good relationship with Armstrong?

    I have great respect for him as a rider and a competitor. Life takes many turns.

    Do you consider yourself favorite in the Tour over him?

    I am in a group of about 10 riders that we can be favourites and he is also there.

    Do you see yourself over the bike with 38 years old?

    I don’t think about it, but I see it quite complicated. Today I can not imagine that.

    Has been especially important this last victory in the Tour having won just over all?

    No, there has been not a solo victory against all, I needed the help of the team, plus I would have liked another race pace. But perhaps it has a special flavor after the pressure I have had: you value it more.

    (Automatic translation. Forgive inaccuracies)

    Jacinto Vidarte
    Jefe de Prensa / Press Officer
    T: +34 615126634; +34 622779777
    C/ Doctor Varela, 25 D-1ºB
    28430 Alpedrete (Madrid-España)

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    Транслейт-перевод пойдет, с

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    KazakhNeRider Kazakhstan (Editor) on 21 Январь 2010, 02:09:

    пойдет, если что бросится в глаза — подредактируем

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    мог бы в принципе помочь с переводом, а точнее с редактурой (только English)…

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    Да уж, нетерпится посмотреть на все это в деле ))). А что значит There are wind stages and pavé?

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    Да уж, нетерпится посмотреть на все это в деле ))). А что значит There are wind stages and pavé?

    кажись, это ветреные этапы с участками брусчатки (дословно — мощёные улицы) Поправьте, если нетак плиз

  • Quote

    Да уж, нетерпится посмотреть на все это в деле ))). А что значит There are wind stages and pavé?

    кажись, это ветреные этапы с участками брусчатки (дословно – мощёные улицы) Поправьте, если нетак плиз

    Вот я тоже так подумал, с французского переводится как мостовая, брусчатка :mrgreen:

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