This video follows a parent's journey as they prepare their child for their first ever football match. The video captures the excitement and nerves of the day, culminating in the child's first game. The video also highlights the importance of supporting children in their passions and celebrating their achievements.
This video follows a parent's journey as they prepare their child for their first ever football match. The video captures the excitement and nerves of the day, culminating in the child's first game. The video also highlights the importance of supporting children in their passions and celebrating their achievements.
This video follows a parent's journey as they prepare their child for their first ever football match. The video captures the excitement and nerves of the day, culminating in the child's first game. The video also highlights the importance of supporting children in their passions and celebrating their achievements.
Intro | Les débuts | Le diabède type 1 | Cycliste pro pour Novo-Nordisk | La vestibulopathie bilatérale idiopathique | Le triathlon | Le paracyclisme et la route vers les Jeux Paralympiques | Le matériel du cycliste | Les routines | Peut-on oublier ses handicaps ? | Les capteurs de glucose en continue chez les sportifs | La couverture médiatique des Jeux Paralympiques | La question au jeune Romain, agé de 5 ans | Le message pour les jeunes malades | Outro