Intro | A New Hope | The Empire Strikes Back | Return of the Jedi | The Phantom Menace | Attack of the Clones | Revenge of the Sith | The Clone Wars | The Force Awakens | Rogue One: A Star Wars Story | The Last Jedi | Solo: A Star Wars Story | The Rise of Skywalker | Outro
Intro | What Makes a Hero Interesting? | Easy Mode Hero | Bad Example 1 - Superman 1978 | Good Example 1 - Captain America 2011 | Safety Net Hero | Bad Example 2 - Spider-Man Homecoming | Good Example 2 - Sarah Connor (The Terminator) | Cheat Code Hero | Bad Example 3 - Rey (Star Wars) | Good Example 3 - Rocky Balboa | Outro
Intro & What Makes Comic Relief Good | Bad Comic Relief 1 - Bathos in Big Moments | Bad Example 1 - Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi | Good Example 1 - Tokyo Vice | Bad Comic Relief 2 - Soft Fourth Wall Break | Bad Example 2A - Batman Begins | Good Example 2A - Independence Day | Bad Example 2B - The Dark Knight Rises | Good Example 2B - Die Hard | Bad Comic Relief 3 - The Tone Wrecker | Bad Example 3 - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Jar Jar Binks) | Good Example 3 - Guardians of the Galaxy (Drax) | Bad Comic Relief 4 - Funeral Humor | Bad Example 4 - Thor: Ragnarok | Good Example 4 - Gran Torino | Bad Comic Relief 5 - Empty Vulgarity | Bad Example 5 - Game of Thrones (Euron Greyjoy) | Good Example 5 - Deadpool | Outro
Intro | What is a Plot Twist? | What makes a GOOD Plot Twist | Bad Twist 1 - Forced Twist | Bad Example 1 Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker | Good Example 1 Avengers Endgame | Bad Twist 2 - Bailout Twist | Bad Example 2 Training Day | Good Example 2 Terminator 2 Judgment Day | Bad Twist 3 - Repeat Twist | Bad Example 3 Star Wars Return of the Jedi | Good Example 3 Game of Thrones Season 3 | Bad Twist 4 - Obvious Twist Villain | Bad Example 4 Incredibles 2 | Good Twist 4 Fight Club | Outro