Introduction - Swimming, Triathlon to Road Cycling and To Europe | Transition to Team TIBCO - SVB and Aussie Nationals | How racing World Tour races lead to Shannon’s burnout | Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome | Shannon’s Burnout | Racing during Lockdown and realising cycling was not Shannon’s dream | Shannon’s transition to being a mindset coach and what she does now | Dealing with praise and media attention | Getting lost out the back of races | What are the biggest obstacles Shannon sees in athletes | Shannon’s daily routine to stay grounded | How to get started with mindset improvement | Managing being organised, structured but also flowing | Being honest with doing yourself and doing internal work | How does Brendan react when his is sick | Keeping up with Shannon
Intro | First Sport | Biggest Races | Mentality | Driving Factors | Are You Doing It For You | Write It Down | Affirmations | Experimenting with affirmations | Beliefs that allowed Shannon to perform | Shannons musical talent | Selfgovernance | Building a winning team
Intro | Welcome | Shannon Malseed | Becoming a Pro | Finding Purpose | Limitless | Sponsor | Want it first | Help is easier | Emotional blocks | Discord | Reevaluate Your Values | Choose Something You Love | There is Never a Point of No Return | Your Intuition